Disinfecting Wipes Vs. Disinfecting Sprays

The choice between disinfecting wipes and disinfecting sprays might seem to be a simple matter of preference in cleaning methods. The truth, however, is far more complicated, as there are significant differences in the efficacy, reliability, and potential safety of each. In this article, we examine some of the key differences between two of the most common cleaning practices.

Cleaning method a significant factor in efficacy

When you picture someone cleaning with a spray bottle, you likely envision them with the spray bottle in one hand and a cloth in the other. Using this method, the user often wipes the solution off the surface immediately after spraying, not allowing the disinfectant to remain on the surface long enough to eliminate the bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

Another factor to consider is the cloth itself used after the spray solution is applied. If it hasn’t been thoroughly washed and disinfected between uses, it could be covered in germs even before the cleaning process begins.

When somebody cleans with a disinfectant wipe, they simply remove the wipe from the canister and wipe down the surface. Not only is this method simpler, but it provides more reliable disinfecting power as well. Using a new wipe every time, the user can be confident that the wipe is fresh and will not leave residual fibers or contaminants from prior use.

Because almost all disinfecting solutions require a minimum dwell time to be fully effective against germs, removing the spray solution immediately after application can result in a surface where some viruses, bacteria, and fungi still thrive. It is important for a surface to remain visibly wet for the time indicated on the product label for full efficacy to be reached.

Using a disinfecting wipe is a one-step process, leaving the solution on the surface and allowing the proper time to disinfect. Using wipes also eliminates the additional time of washing cloths between uses, searching for clean cloths, or devising a process to monitor and verify the supply of fresh cloths.

Accurate, reliable formulation is key

One of the major advantages of using a disinfecting wipe over a spray bottle is that the chemical solution is formulated to effectively eliminate specific contaminants. The ratio of solution to towel is precisely measured before it is packaged. Therefore, anyone who pulls a wipe out of the canister can disinfect a surface without needing to:

  • Know the proper solution ratio
  • Measure it out
  • Ensure enough solution is used

By choosing a wipe over a spray product, many of the factors that could lead to an improper disinfecting practice are reduced.

Making the right choice is critical

Airborne chemicals released by spray bottles have been linked to a significant increase in air pollution. Because wipes do not release a mist into the air, there is also a decreased risk of exposing people to breathing in harmful substances.

Because of increased expectations and enhanced protocols, surface disinfecting is more important than ever. It is a good time to examine the efficacy of your current disinfecting practices and determine if you are adequately and safely killing the viruses and bacteria when you clean.

If you would like to learn more or determine which choice is ideally suited for your facility, get in touch to discuss your cleaning requirements and procedures.

Works cited:

  1. https://aricjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13756-017-0210-3
  2. https://www.infectioncontroltoday.com/view/more-to-surface-disinfection-than-meets-the-eye
  3. https://www.popsci.com/air-pollution-perfume-cleaner-spray/
  4. https://www.dreumex.com/support/news-updates/disinfection-spray-or-wipes-the-pros-and-cons-at-a-glance

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